The vitamin and supplement industry has been blooming over the past few years. This led researchers, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts in this field to come up with new ways to optimize the industry.
One of the latest trends in the vitamin and supplement area is not related to a new substance. Instead, it is a way of delivering already existing nutrients. The effectiveness of this method – intravenous nutritional therapy – remains a hot topic of debate. All we know is that the theory behind it is legit and deserves in-depth research.
What is intravenous nutritional therapy?
Intravenous (IV) nutritional therapy is not an entirely new concept. For decades, hospitals and clinics used this route of administration to deliver medications and rehydrate patients.
However, what we are talking about today is different. After the popularization of IV nutritional therapy by some private clinics and public figures, it gained massive traction. In fact, you can order infusions straight to your home or office.
Just like the name implies, intravenous nutritional therapy means receiving specific nutrients via your veins. A healthcare professional will set up a catheter in one of your major veins – the forearm veins are the most commonly used, then the nutrients get infused.

What are the benefits of intravenous nutritional therapy?
Today, many people swear by IV nutritional therapy as an efficient way to deliver essential nutrients to the body.
The logic behind this boils down to the metabolism that many nutrients undergo before reaching your bloodstream when you consume them orally.
You see, when you ingest oral vitamins, they get absorbed by the intestines to reach the bloodstream. During this phase, a large portion of the vitamin will get lost.
Next, vitamins travel to the liver via the bloodstream, where hepatocytes (i.e., liver cells) break down another large portion of the vitamin. Finally, the remaining amount of the vitamins you took will start circulating freely in your blood, providing you with the desired effects.
Conversely, IV nutritional therapy skips the first two phases, allowing you to get a complete dose of vitamins and hence the full benefits.
The most popular vitamins and minerals delivered through IV nutritional therapy include but are not limited to:
· Calcium
As you can probably deduce, the benefits of intravenous nutritional therapy mainly depend on the infused nutrients.
However, we can say that the number one advantage of this therapy is its elevated bioavailability. In other words, the dose of vitamins and minerals you get will be complete in your bloodstream, giving you the full potential of these nutrients.

IV Vitamin Therapy may assist when it comes to improving your immune system, replenishing fluids and electrolytes after one night of drinking, or aiding recovery from high-performance sports, The most frequent reason individuals go for therapy is feeling stressed. The IV treatments help them feel energized and enhance their immune systems.
The indications to get intravenous nutritional therapy are diverse.
For instance, people with digestive issues that worry about nutritional deficiencies may benefit from getting IV drips.
Conditions that may benefit from IV nutritional therapy include:
Finally, IV therapy can help people rehydrate themselves and restore balance to their electrolyte profile.
IV infusion treatment has a variable impact on each individual. Depending on the kind of drip you use, your metabolism rate, and your body composition, you may experience various effects. On the other hand, IV infusion treatment provides instant advantages since the body can absorb the nutrients instantly. To get a more long-lasting impact and treat and detoxify more thoroughly, you might have to book more sessions.

The potential side effects of intravenous nutritional therapy
IV treatment provides several advantages for patients. The body's ability to absorb high amounts of vitamins and minerals has no known risks. There are, however, a few minimal concerns linked with the needle injection. Having blood collected for laboratory testing or receiving an IV during a hospital treatment has the same risks and side effects as those procedures.
Vein walls' weakness makes it possible for the needle to perforate and rupture them, as with any such treatment. In addition, a small amount of fluid may leak from the needle into the surrounding region, resulting in a small degree of inflammation or soreness at the injection site. This should go away when the IV is changed to a different vein. Because IV infusions need access to tiny or difficult-to-find veins, you might not be a suitable candidate if you have previously had trouble with IV injections or blood draws.
Takeaway message
If administered appropriately, intravenous vitamin treatment may have a profound positive effect. IV nutritional therapy is an effective way to receive vitamins and minerals without having to undergo the incomplete absorption of the intestines and the metabolism of the liver.
We hope that this blog managed to highlight the possible benefits of IV nutritional therapy, as well as its potential side effects.
If you have questions about IV nutritional therapy, please feel free to contact us
at 224-372-3747
Learn more about us here, call us and book an appointment.
