In the last 100 years, humans have managed to drastically change the basic chemistry of our planet. Billion pounds of chemicals have been released into the ground, affecting the soil in which we grow our food and getting our water supply. Unfortunately, that’s not all. Millions of pounds of chemicals being discharged into our lakes and rivers and several billion pounds of chemical emissions were released into the air we breathe. The total volume of pollutants is staggering.
However, that is only one part of the problem. The food we eat grown in depleted soil with artificial chemicals lacks nutritional value. That’s not being enough; we further have to refine and contaminate these already compromised foods and add artificial colorings, flavors, preservatives, and conditioners. Furthermore, we must also add hormones and antibiotics so they could contribute to the toxic load we already are carrying and cause endocrine and immune problems as well.
Welcome to the chemical feast!!!

Over the last several years, there has been a growing body of evidence suggesting a strong association between toxin exposure and chronic degenerative conditions. Environmental toxins have a physical and physiologically negative effect on the body even at low doses.
Virtually everyone is exposed to organic pollutants, specifically PCB -Polychlorinated biphenyl, which we get through our food. It suppresses our immune system, decreases thyroid function, and is classified as a “probable carcinogen”. Exposure to this toxin can also lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, and cognitive impairment

Pesticides are environmental toxins that we are consistently exposed to. Exposure to pesticides has been linked to the development of Parkinson’s disease, anxiety, depression, ADHD, leukemia and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Exposure to the heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, lead, arsenic, that are constantly present in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, has been linked to the DNA damage, decreased immune system function, anemia, hypertension, kidney damage, and tooth decay.

How about exposure to toxicants through food additives, preservatives, and drugs? Artificial food coloring has been associated with an increase in symptoms in children with ADHD. Growth hormone and anti-bacterial drugs given to cattle have been found in certain types of meat, further increasing the toxic load on our bodies.
You got the picture.
Once our systems are overloaded with toxins it becomes an ideal environment for a multitude of diseases, autoimmune conditions, parasites and Candida.

Our skin, liver, kidneys, lymphatic system and colon work hard to keep toxins and waste moving naturally. Unfortunately, excess buildup of toxins and the body’s constant effort to eliminate them burns up vital nutrients, drains energy, weakens the immune system and affects our health in a variety of ways.

Did you know that... our colon might hold the key to our overall health. When working well, the colon absorbs essential nutrients and passes waste and toxins out of the body. Many diseases are now being related directly or indirectly to a congested colon. Improperly digested food combined with the goodies of the chemical feast goes through the intestinal system, it turns to waste, attaches itself to the intestinal wall and becomes even more toxic. As 70% of our immune system is in our digestive tract, these toxins severely impair our immune system. This toxic waste is essentially slow-acting poison to the human body.

Detoxification means cleansing the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin. However, when these systems are compromised, impurities aren't properly filtered and the body is adversely affected.
A detoxification program can help the body's natural cleansing process by:
Resting the organs through fasting
Stimulating the liver to drive toxins from the body
Promoting elimination through the intestines, kidneys, and skin
Improving blood circulation
Refueling the body with healthy nutrients
Below are a few tips on how to detoxify the body.

Start the day with a glass of spring water and the juice of one freshly squeezed lemon. This helps flush out the toxins and alkalizes the body. Alternatively, you can add a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of spring water.

Dry brush - before hopping into the shower helps in two ways: It sloughs off dead skin cells, which opens up pores, serving as an escape route for toxins. Secondly, the massaging action helps dislodge toxins into the body’s circulation, priming them for elimination.

Souping - referred to as a "new juicing" - is much healthier than juicing as soups are not only easily digestible but are also nutritious and help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Get enough sleep - during sleep the space between brain cells increases which allows fluid around the brain to move freely and wash out toxins accumulated during waking hours and linked to the neurodegenerative diseases.

Go organic - Picking only organic fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy products as well as packaged products with the USDA-organic seal slashes your exposure to pesticides, hormones, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and GMO’s, reducing the burden on the body’s natural detox process.

Drink green tea and herbal teas such as dandelion, nettles, etc - these teas help the body detoxify and clear out toxins.

Use Infrared sauna - able to penetrate deeper into the skin which activates and releases debris from the subcutaneous fat just beneath the skin reducing our toxic load significantly.

Lymphatic massage - helps by increasing lymphatic circulation thus detoxifying the body and increasing the functions of the immune system.
How Rejuvii can help
Nutritional support is very important in maintaining healthy metabolism during a detoxification program. There are many dietary recommendations and supplements that will help to optimize the body’s ability to manage and excrete toxins.
At Rejuvii we can help clients reduce their toxic load and optimize overall health. Come stop by and get our Detox IV drip along with a glutathione infusion to get back on the path to wellness.
Learn about us here, and book an appointment by calling us at +1-224-372-3747
Breath deeply, walk, smile, laugh, be happy and remove toxic people out of your life!