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IV Hydration & Nutritional Therapies Chicago | Rejuvii

Let's Talk Migraine: Prevention and Mitigartion

Writer's picture: rejuviirejuvii

Updated: Feb 23

Migraines aren’t typical headaches. When a migraine strikes, you’ll do almost anything to make it go away. 

Living with migraines—even occasional ones—can make life almost unbearable. A terribly painful, throbbing, recurrent pain on one or both sides of the head characterizes a migraine headache, which usually is accompanied by one or more associated symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and an increased sensitivity to noise and/or bright light.

The causes of these headaches have been debated for a long time, and many explanations have been offered as to why migraines occur. Something makes a cascade of biochemical reactions active, which leads to the overexcitement and inflammatory response of the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve has control over the sensations in both head and face and is commonly known as a major pathway for pain.

The overexcitement of the trigeminal nerve affects other nerves, which causes the pain and other symptoms felt from a migraine. Many factors cause migraines, including:

• Deficiency of magnesium • Fluctuation of hormones • Release of nitric oxide • Having extremely low levels of serotonin • Inflammation of the maxillary nerve • Issues with how different cells transport calcium ions • Neuropeptides According to the research, there is a significant association between dietary intake and migraine incidence. Common nutritional migraine triggers include but are not limited to:

• Monosodium glutamate (MSG), a commonly used flavor-enhancer found in some soups and Chinese food • Nitrites - preservatives found in processed meats such as hot dogs • Tyramines - natural compounds found in wines and aged foods (e.g., cheeses) • Phenylethylamine - a stimulant compound found in chocolate, garlic, nuts, raw onions, and seeds • Other potential dietary triggers - cow's milk, wheat, eggs, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, citrus fruits, pickled products, and vinegar Many of these nutritional migraine triggers have vasoactive properties - cause constriction or dilation of blood vessels, which is why they contribute to migraine attacks. Other migraine triggers include: • Weather changes - humidity, barometric pressure, and temperature. • Stress levels -if there is a great deal of stress with work, at home, or in the personal life. • Changes in sleep - sleeping more or less than normal can also trigger a severe headache. • Hunger and/or dehydration - being sure to eat every few hours and drink at least half the body weight in ounces of water every day can help avoid a migraine. Over the past decades, it's become clear that migraine patients have low magnesium levels between attacks, and the levels tend to be even lower during attacks. Low brain magnesium causes instability of neural function, which enhances the brain's susceptibility to a migraine. For this reason, magnesium is a major preventive remedy. Both oral and intravenous magnesium are widely available, extremely safe and inexpensive. Magnesium can be used safely even by women who are pregnant. The most frequent side effect of magnesium is diarrhea, but lowering the dose or taking it less often can eliminate the issue. When people with gluten sensitivity eat foods containing gluten, it can lead to a headache. Person may not have celiac disease, but a gluten sensitivity that causes a headache. For this reason, it is a good idea to cut back on gluten. Also, try a cup of coffee. Although, it sounds weird but studies have shown that caffeine can be beneficial to curing headaches, which is why it’s an ingredient in many painkillers. It can constrict the blood vessels and decrease the pain. The effectiveness of caffeine varies from person to person, and we need to be aware that it can actually trigger migraines in some people. Get outside and breathe in some fresh air. It can really help relax and increase oxygen intake. Yoga can be a brilliant restorative activity by reducing stress in the body as well as mind Exercises can also work as a great healer too by releasing natural pain relief in the form of endorphins and natural anti-depressants called enkephalins. Add Buckwheat into your meals! This grain contains Rutin, a flavonoid found in plants that has antioxidant properties which counteract damage to cells by decreasing inflammation that is a leading cause of headaches. Add cherries to the fruit bowl. The bioflavonoids found in cherries have been linked to reducing inflammation and therefore helping to eliminate migraine headaches. Eat more Omega-3 fatty acids which are found in oily fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts. Get enough sleep. Aim to go to bed and get up at the same time everyday if possible, and snooze for the recommended 8 hours a night. Take a computer and social media break- staring at a screen, especially a small phone screen all day isn’t good for us. Invest in some essential oils. Peppermint oil generates a long-lasting cooling effect on the skin, stimulates a significant increase in skin blood flow of the forehead, and soothes muscle contractions. Lavender oil is a natural sedative that contains anti-inflammatory properties great for tackling evening and nighttime headaches. Feverfew has been around for a long time for treating fever, but it is also known to help alleviate or fully rid of migraines. Countless studies have proven that feverfew is, in fact, a natural cure for severe headaches. Many people take feverfew with white willow, which, in combination, acts like aspirin. Always go for cold when experiencing a migraine because it is anti-inflammatory. Applying ice packs is an excellent remedy. Butterbur extract possesses analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and vasodilatatory properties, which may explain its efficacy for migraine prevention. Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, is great for curing migraine headaches. This vitamin is actually found in several foods, including: • Lamb • Liver • Venison • Lean beef • Eggs • Yogurt • Low-fat milk • Asparagus • Spinach • Broccoli • Brussels sprouts • Mushrooms Riboflavin is most effective when administered intravenously (IV). Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a potent antioxidant and an important component of cellular energy production. CoQ10 has been shown to be beneficial for preventing and reducing the frequency of migraine attacks among adults due its potential to interfere with inflammatory mechanisms. Melatonin is a natural compound produced by the pineal gland that helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle - circadian rhythms, and has been clinically shown to possess potent antioxidant and analgesic properties Since melatonin is often found in lower-than-normal levels among migraine patients (especially during an attack), it is thought that it may play an important role in migraine pathology. The amino acid L-tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin and its depletion causes exacerbation of migraine symptoms. Other beneficial natural substances include: • Alpha Lipoic Acid • Vitamin B6 • Ginger root At Rejuvii we offer migraine relief drip which contains magnesium, L-tryptophan, vitamin B6, B-complex, B2, and other ingredients that help prevent migraine attack. 

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